Curtis Weber


Curtis Weber is committed to developing and changing safety culture in workplaces, conferences, schools and events across North America. Completing and needs assessment of each client, Curtis develops each presentation unique to his audience to provide the exact messaging appropriate for each client. Whether you are looking for a power safety message, motivational or inspirational presentation or an exceptional keynote address, let Curtis influence change at your workplace, conference or event.


After the near fatal injury and the 6 year recovery that followed, Curtis has taken on a responsiblity to use his experience and how his doctors put it, “ miraculously positive attitude,” to make changes to the way people view safety. Curtis has developed practical skills working as a Safety Officer and Trainer, which coupled with his incredible stage presence and unrehearsed, organic speaking style, has allowed him to inspire change and influence human behaviours towards safety Internationally for 15 years..


Speaking to 10s of thousands of people annually, Curtis has the ability to connect and inspire change while influencing human behaviour toward safety. Let Curtis motivate, inspire and influence change in you workplace, conference or event and let him tell you how and why he was lucky that fateful day.


Other services C Weber Consulting Ltd offers include:

  • Return to work training ( from 2 hour workshop to full day train the trainer)

  • Return to work program development 

  • Office Ergonomics - Computer Workstation Assessment

  • Occupational Health Committee Level 1 & 2 training